Sensahub IoT Application Platform

Tailor-made for your use case.

Expand and enhance Sensahub with powerful customisation tools 

Create beautiful user interfaces

Make use of over 50 scalable widgets from our toolbox or build your own custom widgets to add flair and create beautiful user interfaces. 

Build intelligence into your application

Harness Sensahub’s powerful low-code development environment to build rich custom IoT applications. Leverage Sensahub’s Flow rules engine to transform raw  data streams into meaningful information by applying statistical rules, maths functions and extend with scripting. 

Connect with the outside world

Have an integration use-case in mind? Leverage the Sensahub framework and APIs to extend core functionality to meet specific business requirements and scenarios. In addition to our native support of REST, MQTT, and Sockets you can make use of the extensive library of plugins for popular protocols and web services. You can also build custom plugins to connect to devices, consume web feeds, and integrate with other applications.


Extend our core functionality

Planning on building the next game-changing IoT application? We designed our platform with high extensibility in mind. Want to leverage machine learning or integrate with a cloud service? Get in touch today to discuss Sensahub extension opportunities.

Tell us more about your IoT application idea

Get in touch today and simplify your IoT journey.